Admission Form admin May 5, 2022

Admission Form

Please note that this is an admission form only. Admission in the course that you look for is absolutely subject to the
eligibility of your candidature  and the availability of the seat in the batch.

Step 1 of 2

Personal Information

Please fill out the form accurately. We comply with the our privacy policy. Please read for more information.

Select the course that you want to enroll

Audition for Admission

1. There are 2 monologues. You have to deliver these monologue on your mobile camera. The length of the video should not be more than 3 minute and share the google drive link/url
2. Upload 1. Passport size photo & 1 Full size photo.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
What students say

Years of experience working in Bollywood

SINCE 1987 in Bollywood
Niraman, Maila Anchal, Shaktimaan, Agent Vinod, 15+

LP Acting Academy is a centre of learning for all those who wish and desire to understand and know the deeper and finer aspects of Acting. The system of Abhinay Yog is a new and fresh approach developed and practised by the veteran actor and mentor Lalit Parimoo.

Behind the scenes